All libraries, packages and tools listed below are under open licence.
- Nuxt.js as JS framework upon Vue.js,
- Vue.js as JS framework,
- Axios for API queries,
- Vuetify as VUE-CSS framework,
- Mapbox-GL, and vue-mapbox as a mapbox-gl wrapper for vue.js
- Apex charts, and vue-apexcharts as an apexcharts wrapper for vue.js
- Matomo and vue-matomo as a matomo wrapper for vue.js
- nuxt-i18n for internationalization
- dotenv to load env variables
Dev tools
- iTerm2 instead of Terminal
- Visual Studio Code as code editor
- StandardJS as code linter
- Github pages for hosting
- Jekyll as static website framework
- Minimal Mistakes template as Jekyll template
- Netlify for hosting