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Config files

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File location

│   README.md
│   .env
│   nuxt.config.js
└─── configs
    └─── dev
        └─── appConfigGlobalButtons.js

The GLOBAL BUTTONS configuration file

The appConfigGlobalButtons.js file manages the global buttons you will display in your instance.

This .js file can be changed in development mode, but it will usually be transformed into a .json file. The later will be stored in frontend/static/configs/.

The GlobalButton component allows you to describe a button which can have an action globally on the app, more specifically on the app store.

For instance you can associate the clic event on a button a serie of functions, from which some could reset the store, change the zoom on the map, etc…

Global parameters

  "help" : help string for developpers,
  "settingsIds" : [
    ### **list** of <chart settings>

      "id": "global-button-fds",
      "help": "",
      "title": {
        "fr": ""
      "titleI18n": "buttons.button01.title",
      "dividers": {
        "before": false,
        "after": false
      "btnsRowClass": "align-center justify-center",
      "btnsRowClassMobile": "mt-0 pt-0 mb-2",
      "componentButtons": [

          "id": "first-button",
          "title": {
            "fr": "retour au niveau national"
          "titleI18n": "buttons.button01.title",
          "btnClass": "justify-center btn-gouv",
          "block": false,
          "outlined": true,
          "fab": false,
          "color": "primary",
          "large": false,
          "small": false,
          "dark": false,
          "tile": true,
          "rounded": false,
          "disabled": false,
          "functions": [
            ### **list** of the functions 
            ### you associate this button click with

            ### example of a function
              "funcName": "resetMapZoom",
              "funcParams": {
                "targets": [
                    "from": "store",
                    "fromPropValue": 8


