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Config files

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File location

│   README.md
│   .env
│   nuxt.config.js
└─── configs
    └─── dev
        └─── appConfigNavbarFooters.js

The appConfigNavbarFooters.js file manages the footer navbar you will display in your instance.

This .js file can be changed in development mode, but it will usually be transformed into a .json file. The later will be stored in frontend/static/configs/.

This navbar only appears on mobile sizes (specified in UI-UX config file). You can configure the actions for each buttons. It could be really usefull to toggle the visibility of some identified divs, so it could have a more fluid UX on mobiles.

Global parameters

  "help" : help string for developpers,
  "settingsIds" : [
    ### **list** of <navbar footer settings>

      "id": "navbar-footer-01",
      "help": "",
      "activated": true,
      "title": {
        "fr": ""
      "titleI18n": "navbars.footer.title",
      "navbarFooterClass": "",
      "height": 70,
      "grow": true,
      "shift": true,
      "defaultBtnNav": "map",
      "redirectAtBreakShow": {
        "path": "/map",
        "btnNav": "map"
      "redirectAtBreakNoShow": {
        "path": "/",
        "btnNav": "home"
      "buttons": [
        # **list** of buttons of your navbar

        # example of a button
          "title": {
            "fr": "accueil"
          "value": "home",
          "showTitle": true,
          "icon": "fas fa-th",
          "action": "toggleDivs",
          "divsToToggle": [

            # list the div you want to toggle 
            # for a specific route id
              "routeId": "fds",
              "toggle": "on",
              "toggleVisibility": [
              "divIds": [
              "routeId": "fds",
              "toggle": "off",
              "toggleVisibility": [
              "divIds": [
          "offset": 10

